Thursday, March 4, 2010


I’ve moped about this way in advance. Now that moving is imminent, so imminent, I have become numb. I’m just going through the motions of cleaning and packing as if it’s one of the most natural things I do.

I have first stepped into these corridors six years ago. And I didn’t know it was going to be the start of a six-year relationship.

As I think about this, I realized this imposing structure is not the company. I didn’t stay that long on this company because of the wonderful view from the 40th floor. I even sometimes forget which floor I am at. Come to think of it, I have only enjoyed the view a few times in one year.

In business, there should be no emotional attachment to anything. Business is business.

If there’s something I dread about moving, it’s having to commute again and having less lunch outs. I would again waste a considerable amount of time commuting and would have different lunch dates.

As much as I want stay in 1200, I have to move to 1550 with the knowledge that a company is defined by its people and its culture, not by its zip code.

But then again, hasn’t the culture been diluted by something bigger, well, that’s another story.

For now, I’ll continue packing and throwing numerous useless things I accumulated over the years.


shing said...

Sorry to hear that, Nik. There will be many changes due to the change in address, I believe.

Keep me posted. I miss chatting with you.

giting said...

Hopefully good changes.
Miss chatting with you too. Greek or Indian soon. Wait, we have to try the new look Som's.

dreamwalker said...

As I said, you're welcome to stay with me! There's an FX straight to where you're moving. ;)

shing said...

New look? Sure. I want Thai TEA. And spicy green curry.

giting said...

@dreamwalker sa Blue Diamond? :-)
@Shing yes, new look na sila.