Monday, November 3, 2008

a blog's life

Some may wonder why I spend precious time updating this blog. I entered the blogosphere because I’m thinking that this blog is going to outlive me. So I tried to verify the life of a blog. How long do these hosts hold on to the shared thoughts and sentiments of their bloggers? Blogger takes the position that once established a blog can only be released by the person who set it up (The act of releasing reminds me of the book The Giver, that's how they let people go, they release them). Hmm… so I guess blogs are here to stay unless the author releases them.

Thanks Fran (my roommate back in college) for introducing me to this author. I hope you continue writing!

How ridiculous, this need to communicate! Why should it mean so much to you that at least one person has seen the inside of your life? Why should you write down all this, for yourself, to be sure- perhaps though, for others as well?"

Markings, Dag Hammarskjold

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