Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chow Company

I don't mind eating alone in a public place. Now that is. So I smile whenever some of my friends say they won't be caught alive eating alone in the mall or any other public place. I was like that before.

Nowadays, I am fine eating without company in public. I find myself lost to my thoughts during this time. A time of solitude and reflection. I usually write during these times. Like this instance.

I ask myself what changed. Maybe the fear of starving overshadowed my self-consciousness. Maybe I just managed not to mind when people notice my being alone. I stopped being self-conscious in this very basic human activity.

And besides, eating alone in a public place doesn't make any difference with eating in the company of familiar faces who are actually strangers.


shing said...

how poignant, giting!

I especially like the last line of the last paragraph...makes you think, no, whether or not we really, truly know the people with whom we share our meals...

dreamwalker said...

I totally agree! Of course, if its pho bo or mac and cheese soup, that's a different story!