Monday, June 14, 2010


Sometimes I’m such a study in contradiction that I shame myself. I just came from a refreshing three-day retreat in Tagaytay which set my course straight again. And I am grateful for this wonderful experience.

Oftentimes, I wander from the path that is set for me. Whether as product of my own selfishness or folly, I fell into the traps set before me.

And yet during the times when the urge to pull away gets stronger, somehow God pulls me back into his loving arms.

And like a prodigal daughter, I welcome His embrace like a wayward child finally reunited with her Abba father.


shing said...

Glad you enjoyed your Independence Day Weekend, Nik.

Myself, I had a different kind of "retreat' but one that reminded me that I should be around sincere, loving people, and stay away from those who show me only the "masked" side and that which is not true. I deserve that, since I myself have always been a sincere friend. =)

I am happy you have found renewal with IVCF/IVPM groups. I am proud of your leadership and resilience, in spite of...

Talk to you soon?

dreamwalker said...

Good for you!