Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hang in There

I know I had my own share of dealing with changes of late. I'm just thankful that in time, things have become clearer and made more sense.

Now, seeing major changes happen to people who matter a great deal to me and knowing I can't do anything but watch and listen helplessly is disturbing. I know the type of change I've dealt are small-time compared to theirs. So I can't imagine how heart- breaking this may be for them.

But I guess there are some things that are beyond our reach. Even if we stretch our limitations just to grab 'em. Some things just slip through our fingers and it's not because our fingers are slippery. No amount of anti-slip support can make this one stick.

So hang in there, you can weather these aches because I know you as a friend whose quiet strength far outweighs mine.

Note: Published with permission from the recipient.


Anonymous said...

That was nice :) And you're right, things get clearer with time. I'm just thankful you're always here for me. Emote!

giting said...

What ARE friends ARE for?