Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tradition...Tradition....Tradition (of winning that is)

The team launched into full-on assault mode beginning at the 3:26 mark with six scorpions (3:31) to arabesque (3:37) with full-down dismount. Four fliers performed a double back handspring to cradle position (3:44) and then from an extended level, they were tossed to a single-base extension (3:47), dismounting with a bird-front. The craziness continued as they did four rewinds (3:57) finishing with a double full-down dismount. At 4:23, two fliers did a double full twist, the team’s most complicated tosses for this piece.-Jason Doplito (


Saturday, September 10, 2011



I've talked about a lot of mundane things here. But this should be the at the top of the most mundane things in my small flat world.

I can't sleep when I drink coffee or tea or even iced tea after 6pm. It's almost 2am now, and I have an 8am flight later. I should've been snoozing at 11pm, 12 midnight tops. But instead here I am, wide awake with sleep evading me because I drank Thai Tea at 9pm.

Aaargh, I thought my body can already tolerate milk tea that late. But I guess I was wrong. Oh well, so rather than forcing myself to sleep, I'm writing this entry, hoping that this will lull me to sleep like a senseless mundane lullaby.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

500 bucks

In the commemoration of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr.'s death  last August 21, several documentaries/films have been broadcasted. Growing up, I've seen countless retelling of this story. Yet, each time I see images of this portion of Philippine history, I can't help the tears from falling. Maybe it's my acknowledged shame that this generation may have easily forgotten. Or my recognition what the past generation was able to do in four days somehow proved we have hope as a nation. We just have to find it in our hearts to unite and believe in our ability as a nation to rise up against adversity and hopefully sustain that fervor. Time and again, we need to prove that we are a people worth dying for. I hope Ninoy's memory will be more than just a face on the P500 bill. If it would take an image of his lifeless body sprawled on that tarmac to jolt us to our senses, so be it.